Renowned Canadian author teaching at BSU
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BSU in the News
More In The News >Cindy Mack, '23, '24, and Jeff Sarahs, '10, G'12, director of Transfer Services, spoke with The Boston Globe's Editorial Board about ways BSU supports students transferring from community colleges.
The Southcoast Artists Index podcast interviewed Art major Mason Terra, '24, about his journey as a painter.
Steve Zuromski, '04, G'09, vice president of information technology and chief information officer, spoke with NBC10 Boston about the Crowdstrike outage that affected computers and businesses across the world.
Bridgewater Magazine
Bridgewater Magazine keeps alumni, faculty, students and their families, staff, and friends of BSU informed about the university community and its impact on the region.
Current Issue
Taking Flight: Meet freshman Renna Kingsbury along with other students and alumni from the growing Aviation Science program. Also in this issue: Bridgewater State University Ranked One of America’s Best Colleges by The Wall Street Journal
Alumni News
View More Alumni News >Mike Vieira seeks to replicate his campus experience for today’s students
Double bear earns praise and award for role with local police and fire departments