The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) provides advising and support to first semester freshmen, Undecided students, and students in the Ascend Program. Advisors mentor students to take ownership of their education through planning, problem solving, connection to resources, and self-advocacy. For new freshmen, the advising relationship begins at orientation where students work closely with advisors to create a first semester schedule of courses and to learn about requirements and resources they will take advantage of at BSU.
First Year Advising
In our first year advising program, the Academic Achievement Center introduces new students to advising through a number of group and individual advising sessions. Our freshman advising is a five-step process. The skills learned are essential to properly understanding requirements and developing confidence in the process. The ultimate goal is to help students plan a program of study and create a successful, happy transition to university life.
Undeclared Advising
All currently enrolled matriculated undergraduate students who have not declared a major are assigned an academic advisor in the Academic Achievement Center. Advisors are skillful at helping students select courses and use campus resources such as Career Services, to identify areas of high interest and talent that can become possible majors.
Peer Advising
The AAC offers peer advising as an additional resource for all BSU students. These trained undergraduate students assist their peers on all kinds of questions including course and major selection, advising technologies, building relationships with other students and faculty, and identifying meaningful campus opportunities and resources to help students engage and succeed.
Ascend Program
Ascend is an individualized academic support program designed to help students on academic intervention on their paths to success at BSU. Ascend students have a GPA below 2.0 and are required to participate in the program. Ascend is rooted in the belief that every day presents an opportunity for our students to rise, by fostering a culture of respect, support, encouragement, and accountability. Utilizing academic support services in the AAC students will ascend to new heights both academically and personally.
Summit Program
The Summit Program is an individualized advising and academic support program designed to help readmitted students on their path to academic success upon return to Bridgewater State University. All readmitted students or students with a GPA below 2.0 saved by the Academic Standards Committee appeal process are required to participate in the Summit Program. The program includes a Summit Orientation session, advising meetings and semester planning. Summit Orientation is designed to reacquaint students with graduation requirements and university policies, while also providing advising support for course registration. The Summit Program coordinator will contact students in the program with more information about Summit Orientation. Please check your BSU email regularly to stay up to date.
Freshman Grade Point Recovery Program
Any freshman (student with 0-23 earned credits) who is on academic probation (cumulative GPA below 2.00) will continue to be advised in the Academic Achievement Center. Freshmen on academic probation will be required to participate in the Freshman Grade Point Recovery Program. The FGPR Program includes a mandatory group advising session and individual appointments with an assigned academic advisor and academic coach. The FGPR Program coordinator will contact students in the program with more information about program requirements, orientation, and registration. Please check your BSU email regularly to stay up to date.