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English Faculty Advisors

English Faculty Thesis Advisors

These faculty members may direct MA theses and serve as thesis committee members. Consult the list of specializations to identify faculty who might have expertise in an area relevant to your thesis topic.


Contact Information


Dr. Joyce Rain Anderson

Room: 320 / Ext: 2508

rhetoric and composition, indigenous and ethnic studies, cultural rhetorics, personal and public writing, English language learners, vernacular literacy

Dr. Alba Aragon

Room: 331 / Ext:  2759

Latin American and U.S. Latino literature, fashion studies, women and gender studies

Dr. Heidi Bean

Room: 214 / Ext: 2031

modern and contemporary drama, performance studies, American studies, 20th century American literature and culture.

Dr. Matt Bell

Room: 311 / Ext: 1467

20th and 21st century American literature, film studies, queer studies, critical theory

Dr. Ann Brunjes

Room: 316 / Ext: 2564

early American and 19th century American literature

Dr. Benjamin Carson

Room: 339 / Ext: 1456

Native American and African American literature, 20th-century American literature, critical theory, Asian literature in translation, multi-ethnic American literature

Dr. Gregory Chaplin

Room: 306 / Ext: 2606

16th- and 17th-century British literature, Milton

Dr. James Crowley

Room: 315 / Ext: 1472

Renaissance literature, Shakespeare, poetic genres, late-medieval

Dr. Kimberly Davis

Room: 328 / Ext: 1474

20th and 21st century American literature, African American and ethnic literature, film studies, critical race studies, feminist and gender studies, postmodernism, reception studies

Dr. Anne Doyle

Room: 333 / Ext: 2886

Rhetoric and composition, teaching writing, discourse analysis, linguistics, TESOL, writing in the disciplines, genres in writing, language and power.

Dr. Kathryn Evans

Room: 302 / Ext: 2432

Rhetoric and composition, the teaching of writing, response to student writing, qualitative research, and genre studies

Dr. Allyson Ferrante

Room: 215 / Ext: 2440

Postcolonial, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and 20th century British literature

Dr. Emily Field

Room: 202 / Ext: 1322

19th century multi-ethnic American literature, African American literature

Dr. Kevin Kalish

Room: 204 / Ext: 3878

literature of the ancient world, classical tradition in English literature, the Bible as literature, religion and literature

Dr. John Kucich

Room: 314 / Ext: 2722

19th century American literature, the teaching of English, native American and multi-ethnic American literature, American studies, literature of the environment and sustainability, American spiritualism

Dr. Lisa Litterio

Room: 309 / Ext: 2183

digital pedagogies, technical writing and communication, rhetorical theory, multimodal composing 

Prof. Bruce Machart

Room: 208 / Ext: 1422

fiction writing, narrative craft, history of short fiction, contemporary American literature

Dr. Michael McClintock

Room: 329 / Ext: 1468

Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama

Prof. John Mulrooney

Room: 313 / Ext: 2520

poetry writing, American poetry, film studies

Dr. Garrett Nichols

Rhetorical Theory; Cultural Rhetorics; Queer Studies; Critical Race Studies; Native Studies; Gender & Sexuality Studies

Dr. Ellen Scheible

Room: 210 / Ext: 2348

20th- and 21st-century Irish literature, British modernism, Gothic fiction, postcolonialism, critical theory, Joyce, gender studies

Dr. John Sexton

Room: 305 / Ext: 1471

Anglo-Saxon, Medieval and Early Modern British literature, History of the English language, Icelandic sagas, hagiography, Church history, Chaucer, Medieval disability studies

Dr. Yulia Stakhnevich

Room: 307 / Ext: 2805

linguistics and sociolinguistics, language and identity, TESOL, language contact

Dr. Lee Torda

Room: 310 / Ext: 2436

Composition Pedagogy, Reading Theory, History of Literacy instruction, Creative Nonfiction.

Dr. Elizabeth Veisz

Room: 211 / 3890

18th century British literature, Jane Austen, young adult literature, mystery and horror genres

Dr. Kathleen Vejvoda

Room: 308 / Ext: 2425

19th century British literature, Victorian fiction, Irish studies, film studies, childhood studies and children’s literature, ghost story and horror, religion and literature

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