For 1,840 minutes beginning next Wednesday at 2 p.m., the extended BSU community will have the chance to “throw back, give back,” as part of this year’s annual Giving Day.
This is the third year University Advancement has hosted the online fundraiser.
The length of the fundraiser is symbolic, representing the year 1840, when the institution was founded, said Director of University Advancement Elizabeth Dubuque.
“This fundraiser is a tool we use to engage everyone – alumni, employees, faculty, students and staff,” Ms. Dubuque said. “We are generating awareness and look to continue building our culture of philanthropy at Bridgewater State University."
Starting May 16 at 2 p.m. through May 17 at 8:40 p.m., BSU community members can visit here and make an online donation to benefit the university.
The goal this year is to raise $50,000.
In keeping with the “throw back, give back” theme, once they’ve made a donation, alumni and staff are asked to post old photos of their time at BSU to social media sites with the hashtag #BSUgives. Donors are encouraged to tag their friends and include the reason behind their contribution.
“We’re trying to make it fun and interactive,” Ms. Dubuque said. “We might be going back in time, but it will help us support our future.”
During the fundraiser, folks can follow along on BSU’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to view the throw-back photos and fundraising updates.
For those who prefer to donate via mail, checks can be made out to BSU Foundation-Giving Day, and mailed to BSU Foundation, PO Box 42, Bridgewater, MA, 02324.