BS, Southeastern Massachusetts University
MA, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
LPD, Northeastern University
Dr. Kalisz teaches Introduction to American Government in the Political Science department as a part-time instructor. Dr. Kalisz currently serves as Executive Director of the Parents Alliance for Catholic Education, responsible for the operation of a "grassroots" advocacy organization representing all Catholic schools in the state of Massachusetts. He has served as an adjunct at a number of institutions of higher education in New England. His expertise, experience and contributions come in the areas of leadership development, sustainable economic development, environmental education, public policy, American government operations, and entrepreneurship.
On January 5, 1998 Dr. Kalisz was administered the oath of office for the position of Mayor of the City of New Bedford which he held for eight years. The City of New Bedford is a "strong mayor" form of local government. As chief executive officer of the City he was responsible for daily operation of a nearly $226,000,000.00 budget, managing approximately 4000 employees, 18 square miles of land, the nation's largest dollar-value fishing port, and a population of approximately 100,000 residents.
During his term of office he was officially recognized by five cabinet-level federal agencies and by the Massachusetts Governor's office and Legislature. He was appointed by the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to serve on a federal advisory task force studying the future needs and impact of Superfund environmental legislation. Through his efforts New Bedford was selected as a Brownfield's Showcase community by the EPA and was later selected as one of only three Portfields Pilot Communities by NOAA/Commerce Department for advancement of environmental remediation and economic development potential as a deep-water port community.