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Summer II Public Health Protocols – A Message from President Clark

Office of the President
Wednesday 7/6/2022
Subject: Summer II Public Health Protocols - A Message from President Clark


Dear BSU Community,

Based on recommendations from the BSU Together Again Task Force, BSU will be extending its Summer I public health protocols to Summer II classes (July 11-August 12). The Summer I protocols functioned well in keeping our campus community safe and, based on state and county level data, we see no reason to change these measures.

As a reminder, the major elements of our Summer I protocols included:

Please see the Summer I health communication for additional details.

The Summer II protocols will remain in place until further notice. The university will be issuing public health guidelines for the Fall 2022 semester later this summer.

Thank you once again for your cooperation as we work to keep our campus healthy and safe. Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful and restful summer.

Warmest regards,

Frederick W. Clark Jr., Esq.