BA, Central College in Pella, Iowa 1973 Biology
MS, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona 1975 Fisheries
PhD, Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana 1979 Aquatic Ecology
Kevin Curry's love of the outdoors and countless hours spent on streams led him to a career in biology. Field Ecology has been his interest ever since his undergraduate research experience at Central College and in Yucatan working on bats. Dr. Curry's current interests in fish, aquatic insect communities, dragonflies, and biotic indicators have developed over years spent on rivers and streams. A Fulbright Award to study with Dr. Bill Freedman at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia advanced his course and research interests. A Presidential Fellowship and Rotary Teaching Award has allowed him to expand his current work on international community service on drinking water issues in Cambodia collaborating with Water for Cambodia and Paññāsāstra University. His recent NOAA funded Stormwater Stewardship program will engage middle school and high school students in exploring the impacts of stormwater on the habitat needs of river herring and American eels in the Mill River and Taunton River Watershed.
Stream Ecology
Fish Biology
Aquatic Insects