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Conflict Resolution Skills

Difficult Conversations Summary
(The Ohio State University, Department of Human Resources)

The Art of Disagreeing Agreeably

Five Ways to Stop an Argument

Crisis Prevention Institute’s Top 10 De-Escalation Tips

Enhancing Department Climate: A Guide for Department Chairs

Calling In and Calling Out
(Harvard Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging)

Responding to Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias
(National Equity Project)


The Gift of Conflict
Amy Gallo (November, 2019). TEDxBroadway [15 minutes]
“Disagreeing is something most people avoid whenever possible. But Amy Gallo has spent three years researching conflict and shares how staying silent can be damaging, and how speaking up when you disagree can be productive, as long as it’s done with compassion and kindness. In a world where people increasingly avoid conflict by seeking out those who see things the same way, Gallo outlines tools to navigate disagreements and approach conflict with calm and confidence. Plus, she shares a mantra that everyone will want to remember. Amy E. Gallo is an expert in conflict, communication and workplace dynamics. She is the author of the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict, a how-to guidebook that combines the latest management research with practical advice to deliver evidence-based ideas on how to handle conflict professionally and productively. She is a co-host of HBR’s Women at Work podcast, which is currently in its third season. In her role as a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, she writes frequently about communicating ideas, leading and influencing people, and building your career. She has contributed to numerous books on feedback, emotional intelligence and managing others, and is the coauthor of the HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case. Gallo is on the faculty of the Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification program, recently launched by Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence. She taught at Brown University and is a graduate of both Brown and Yale University.”

The Beauty of Conflict
Clair Canfield (Dec. 2016). TEDxUSU [16 minutes]
“For many, conflict is considered a negative experience and an indication that something has gone wrong. When viewed from that perspective it frequently creates interactions that leave us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. In this talk, Clair identifies some of the ways we get stuck in the trap of justification and also provides hope for a new way of approaching conflict. This different approach unlocks the possibilities of conflict and empowers us to create the change we want in the world around us, in our relationships, places of work, communities, and most of all within ourselves. Clair Canfield is a consultant and lecturer at Utah State University with degrees in Communication Studies and a graduate certification in alternative dispute resolution. Initially inspired by his own struggles with conflict, Clair is committed to changing the way people think and feel about conflict. “Conflict holds up a mirror to our deepest needs and most cherished hope and it is the doorway of opportunity for creating the change we want in our life,” Clair stated. “It is common to feel trapped and stuck when we experience conflict, but there is a way out!”

3 Ways to Resolve a Conflict
Dorothy Walker (April 2020). TED Institute [9 minutes]
“Anybody can help resolve a conflict, says project manager Dorothy Walker. With three simple steps, she shares how you can use positive energy to solve conflicts between friends, coworkers, strangers, kids and beyond. About the TED Institute: We know that innovative ideas and fresh approaches to challenging problems can be discovered inside visionary companies around the world. The TED Institute helps surface and share these insights. Every year, TED works with a group of select companies and foundations to identify internal ideators, inventors, connectors, and creators. Drawing on the same rigorous regimen that has prepared speakers for the TED main stage, TED Institute works closely with each partner, overseeing curation and providing intensive one-on-one talk development to sharpen and fine tune ideas.”

How to Deal with Difficult People
Jay Johnson (October, 2018). TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary [15 minutes]
“From co-workers and colleagues to friends and family, we are faced with challenging relationships daily. Unfortunately, we often go about managing them the wrong way. Only by elevating our understanding of behavior and acting through an internalized approach will we be able to master the conflicts created by dealing with difficult people. Jay Johnson is a trainer specializing in communication and leadership development. Using a unique perspective of behavioral intelligence, Jay empowers people and organizations across the globe stretching from Main Street to Wall Street. Jay is a designated Master Trainer through the Association for Talent Development (ATD). He is a two-time Excellence in Training Award recipient from the National Association of Professional Communication Consultants and in 2017 he was named “Top Trainer” by the ATD Detroit Chapter. Jay has a devotion to teaching and learning, and is passionate about inspiring people to reach peak performance in work and in life.”

The Power of Zero Tolerance
Isabelle Mercier (June, 2016). TEDxStanleyPark [20 minutes]
95% of North Americans either go to bed or wake up worrying about something. Yet, worrying is the #1 killer of creativity, performance and dreams. When revolutionary brand strategist Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte discovered “What we tolerate we worry about,” she realized a little structure brings a lot of inner flexibility and freedom. The result is her simple yet powerful model to help you instantly decrease worry and increase peace of mind. Isabelle Mercier — — is a ‘no-nonsense’ dynamo born to catapult passionate entrepreneurs to build infectious and impactful brands, businesses and lives.

Employee Assistance Program

The Mass4You Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all active, state and municipal employees and their families who are eligible for GIC benefits. Mass4You serves as a free and confidential counseling and referral service. Mass4You can also help with adult and eldercare services child, family and parenting support; service referrals like home or auto repair, pet services or moving services; legal, financial and retirement planning; relationship counseling — and much more.

Campus Resources

Human Resources and Talent Management
Office of Equal Opportunity and the Title IX Coordinator
BSU Police Department
Student Crisis Information
University Policies