Guests and students who require accommodations should contact BSU as soon as possible.
Students and family: Center for Student Engagement at 508.531.1840 or
Alumni: Alumni Relations at 508.531.1290
Dress for Saturday festivities is casual. We encourage you to plan for the ever changing weather in New England. We encourage attendees to accentuate campus pride by wearing BSU colors and logos.
Gender Inclusive Single Occupancy Restrooms (GISOR)
At BSU, everyone has the right to use restrooms on campus that are consistent with their gender identity as long as the facilities are used for their intended purpose. BSU also has 79 single occupancy restrooms that are gender inclusive which means that people of all gender identities may use these restrooms.
You can download a list of current GISOR locations on campus.
Hotel Information
Courtyard Marriott Raynham
37 Paramount Drive,
Raynham, MA 02767
$229 per night
Booking Information
Deadline - September 4, 2024
Please note: If you are unable to find the special rate, please call the hotel and ask for the Bridgewater State block.
Information Tents
If you have any questions about navigating the day or need a campus map, stop by the Information Tent at University Park. The Information Tent will have campus maps, dining option information, BINGO registration and more.
Additional Information tables will be available at Boyden Quad and Swenson Field to help you navigate the day’s events.
Parking Information and Shuttle Bus Service
The campus parking restrictions are lifted during weekends beginning on Friday at 4 pm and ending Sunday at 6 pm. Parking will be permitted in all parking areas during this time.
Based on the layout of the day, the following parking options are recommended:
- The Parking Garage (GPS: 451 Great Hill Drive) is highly recommended as it is most central to activities throughout the day
- Visitors attending the Alumni Brunch may opt to park on west campus in the lots behind Harrington Hall (Harrington Lot) or next to the Dana Mohler-Faria Science Center (West Lot).
- Visitors just attending the football game are encouraged to park in the Hooper Lot (Note: Swenson Lot will be closed).
A shuttle bus servicing parking areas on both east and west campus will run throughout the day. Shuttle stops will include locations closest to scheduled events including East Campus Commons and parking garage, School Street and Park Avenue on West Campus and Swenson Field.
For more information on getting to and around Bridgewater State University, please see our visitor page on Directions & Parking.